Last week I got this lovely cookbook, and it´s perfect!!!. The recipes are so clear. I can´t wait to get home and cook with Catalina some recipes such as Hazenut cake, fruits of the forest ice-cream or Baked aubergine with tomato.
More: phaidon
To Catalina
Catalina is a little nervous about what she wants to ask to the Reyes Magos. We told her she has to be quite specific, if she isn´t, it migth be The Reyes Magos didn´t know which presents she wishes.
She wants a piano, we love this Vilac cute mini piano, oh, i love it in that yellow... She wants some dolls, so those she has already got and the new ones could be very happy together. One of them is a Corolle doll, Catalina has got another but it isn´t a ballerina. And I love Naomie for her.
She doesn´t want, but her mother does, another lamp, Catalina has "only" got four in her little bedroom... We love this one
She also wants a little kitchen, and i think the Lili Cooker is the cutest one. As well a Baking kit, this one is so gorgeous.
And the last wish: going to snow for her very first time with her littles friends, so we love those absolutely fantastic chocolate dungarees by Bonpoint.
To Ana