Thursday, November 26, 2009
I love school uniforms and I don´t know...

Vogue Nippon and Ruben Toledo

Catalina loves these Ruben Toledo postcards, she thinks they are "chic", nowadays she´s very interested in which things are chic. Vogue Nippon is chic? Italian language is chic? and Euskera (Vascongadas language) is chic? (the last question I can just tell her that when she speaks Euskera of course it is)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Three Wise Men: our wish list
To Catalina
Catalina is a little nervous about what she wants to ask to the Reyes Magos. We told her she has to be quite specific, if she isn´t, it migth be The Reyes Magos didn´t know which presents she wishes.
She wants a piano, we love this Vilac cute mini piano, oh, i love it in that yellow... She wants some dolls, so those she has already got and the new ones could be very happy together. One of them is a Corolle doll, Catalina has got another but it isn´t a ballerina. And I love Naomie for her.
She doesn´t want, but her mother does, another lamp, Catalina has "only" got four in her little bedroom... We love this one
She also wants a little kitchen, and i think the Lili Cooker is the cutest one. As well a Baking kit, this one is so gorgeous.
And the last wish: going to snow for her very first time with her littles friends, so we love those absolutely fantastic chocolate dungarees by Bonpoint.
To Ana

Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
At the Library
I don´t know but when I was a little girl I hated libraries, they were boring, their books were hideous, you had to be in silence all the time... But nowadays the libraries are so diferent, the books are gorgeous, they are chock-a-block with cute toys, books, dvds...kids want to go to the library...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Tim Walker
Monday, November 9, 2009
Another one!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Too cool for school...I don´t think so

However, I don´t think these pencils are too cool for school, I think Catalina needs them, well, if they are too cool for her, i could treat myself and buy them... The Three Wise Men are coming, aren´t they?
Pictures come from here
Sunday, November 1, 2009

I´ve never been to New York, so I don´t know anything about that city, well i know a little bit thanks to A Walk in New York, a must have children book written by Salvatore Rubbino, and I´ve got some postcards that my sister sent me when she was there. That´s all. But today browsing some blogs I found this little treasure (i am not sure if it´s a treasure, it could be there are amazing cafes for children at every corner in Manhattan) thanks to Design Shimmer.
Funky Forest created by Theodore Watson and Emily Gobeille
The cafe has also got art proyects and exhibitions. More: here